The Media

The media seems to be one of the most popular ways to interact and connect with what’s going on in our government, considering all the people complaining on Twitter about things they don’t like. However, media doesn’t just cover social media, rather things like magazines, news papers, online articles, radio, television, etc. All of these sources of media link us to our government in many different ways, making the media the largest linkage institution because of how widely available it is. All of our news comes from media and everyone that partakes in political discussion does so through media. Because media has a way of being relevant to many aspects of our lives, they have the ability to shape public opinion and how the public views certain political issues. The two articles I chose to analyze in this blogpost are CNN and Fox News, two news sources that believe in two very different things. CNN content is geared more towards liberals while Fox News content is geared towards conservatives, making their articles completely different from each other. Looking at both of these sources, I decided to analyze an article from both sources about North Korea. It was interesting to see that the articles are about the same thing but have completely different content.

The first article I read was from Fox News, titled North Korean defector on Kim Jong Un’s “lies,” surviving torture, and supporting Trump policy. This article centers around a North Korean defector that discusses weaknesses within the Korean government and how he strongly believes in some of the ideals and actions of Donald Trump that have ultimately helped international relations with North Korea. Because this article includes evidence from someone who experienced life in North Korea and because it was written this week, it present relevant information. While this article does use a credible source as their evidence, that is all the evidence this article uses. It is obvious that Seong-Ho is supportive of many of Trump’s ideals and beliefs. Since Fox news is known to strongly lean towards the right, they choose to mention people that agree with what Trump is doing in order to glorify him and his actions. Fox News reports that Seong-Ho admires how Trump “always tries his best to save the American people first” and how he believes the spotlight the Trump administration has put on North Korea has “helped make their voices heard and they understand justice will win and evil will perish.” In turn, Fox mentions how Trump has praised Seong-Ho and his miraculous plight, rightfully so. However, this is a high point of bias because Fox News is conservative and they choose to highlight a person that speaks highly of the Conservative agenda and choose to mention an honorable action of Trump. Additionally, we see that this article fails to mention and acknowledge a different point of view. A strong article would bring in a counter-argument, and disproving the counter-argument would make the writing even stronger, but it was something this article failed to do. Then, we see use of metaphor from Seong-Ho when talking about the current state of North Korea, saying, “North Korea is still a huge prison.” This puts huge emphasis on how difficult it is to be living in North Korea and how hard life is in the country right now. This metaphor helps people gain a small understanding of an issue that they might not have known much about before, ultimately appealing to the pathos of the readers. However, the article quickly then jumps to discussing the point of view of someone who believes in the Trump administration agenda contrasting with the metaphor mentioned above.  When the article geared towards conservatives mentions someone who approves of what the conservative President is doing currently, we see the bias presented all throughout the article. In short, because this article only uses one type of evidence and because they fail to acknowledge a counter argument within their claim, their argument is extremely weak. By only catering to the ideals and beliefs of conservatives, people who are Conservative may go on to believe that the president is doing nothing wrong, painting him as a glorified leader. Additionally, people who may not follow politics closely may come across this article and start believing in everything that is written, without consulting other news sources.

Looking at the article written by CNN, the news sources that strongly leans towards the left, it’s titled When it comes to North Korea, who’s really being deceptive? This article is about how the recent handlings of North Korea in regards to the Trump Administration. The trust that Trump seems to have in Kim and their promises is not as widely received as Trump believes it to be. The source then goes on to describe what is going on in North Korea and how current solutions are still extremely fragile. Because this source was written within a week of me finding it and because it references many of the current actions between the Trump administration and North Korea, I felt that source is relevant to the issue surrounding North Korea. All throughout this article, we see the author specifically reference the actions and words of not only Donald Trump, but the actions of Kim Jong Un as well. The beginning of the article is fairly neutral, as they are just stating facts about recent interactions between the Un and Trump. However, as the article continues, keeping in mind that this is source is geared more towards liberals, we see that they mention something that Trump says and follow it with things that completely contradict what he says. Doing this helps prove the weaknesses in the conservative agenda of our current president. By doing this, they are attempting to paint a picture of Trump that shows him as a delusional liar that doesn’t know what he’s doing. This is exactly what CNN would want to do because they are a heavily liberal influenced news source. They are bias against the conservative agenda and what to highlight how our current political climate is in danger. One thing that weakens their argument is the fact that they fail to acknowledge a counter argument in their claim, meaning a bulk of their essay is about the weaknesses of the Trump administration and the overall trust issues that have stemmed from interactions between the United States and North Korea. To strengthen their argument, they could have mentioned a point of view that doesn’t exactly agree with their claim. Being able to disprove their counterclaim with substantial evidence would make their argument even stronger. Then, one of the ending points of this article was assigning an overarching sense of fragility with the entire United States/North Korea situation. They continue with the sense of fragility, finishing with the idea that we need to be more delicate going forward, continuing with the idea of fragility and comparing that to the current political climate. Overall, the convincing nature of this article is ultimately hindered given there is no acknowledgment of a different point of view. Because this article is geared towards liberals, liberals reading the article would be inclined to only believe what this article is saying because it falls within their line of beliefs. This would then lead to people believing the first thing they read and not acknowledge other points of view, again going back to developing bias within our society.
